画質 高画質

I love iFunny, but darkness do be milked up fr fr

0 11

Banished From the Hero's Party S2

While it's sad that it doesn't live up to S1 and changed focus in a way that felt like the series nearly lost its identity and appeal from the first arc, it still had some really good moments.
Congratulations on the happy couple fr https://t.co/S3nCnm5zGf

0 10

深夜のラクガキ こんな車欲しい 360㏄ 2シーターFRプチワゴン タイヤはフロント18インチリア14インチ エンジンはホンダ シャシーはスバル 外装は日産 内装はスズキ シートはトヨタ

2 18

The fear I felt when I thought you mentioned her fr

1 60

But they are 100% matching and they look good fr

Red black and black red 🔥

0 1

Boggled - so there is this game Golden Axe

I did try looking for how to say Golden Axe fr in JP (since what I know is 金 and 斤)

then I thought - Kanji in this logo must mean Golden Axe...

but it means Battle Axe T___T idk... きんおの (金斧)I guess??? but - 金 斤 ?

0 3

!?? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?? once again im throwing Ian & Zil at every game i could (IM GOING NUTS THE CHARA CREATION IS CRAZY GOOD)

ykw maybe i dont need faceclaim i just use DD2's character creation demo fr fr

2 126

FR like look at this fucking idiot… I love this lil goober https://t.co/y7i7bByZdM

4833 39686

12 episode animes you changed my worthless piece of shit life fr https://t.co/hGJ70QVSd0

1 48

Yall I'm still going fr

7 131

OK but fr tho this is not a new oc

This was like my main pokemon OC from like 2021 😭 i will be drawing more of her this year tho

And ill also have a non pokemon version of her design too im the future so, lmfao yah https://t.co/1y2VUI7A1D

23 173

he just like me fr

34 810

I love him but i struggle drawing him fr so that’s why i rarely draw him bbygorl https://t.co/psg44tzz6S

6 72

udah gw mau kerjain AT fr

50 195