I drew one of my D&D characters in a dress to celebrate the fact that she survived an attempted TPK and is seeing the new year!

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I have a powerful urge to use a Jabberslythe in one of my games. I think that it represents the true nature of chaos in a excellent, disturbing, alien way! My only concern is the difficulty level of such engagement. This beastie would probably TPK the entire party!

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-Ich: Lasst uns die alte Schlossruine durchsuchen.
-Rest der Gruppe: Ja geil, Loot Loot Loot!
-DM würfelt nebenbei
-DM: Die Ruine stürzt ein. Alle sterben. TPK😅

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New D&D character after a TPK lol! This guys literally designed to make better decisions 😂✌️

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Here is a moral question for you

Your party finds itself in a very deadly situation, probably TPK. While your party is suffering and there is nothing you can do, an unknown and evil entity offers you help. For a price 😈. Will you accept it?

Art: Alex Konstad

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Redemption my tiefling Druid by . She's wandering outcast with an attitude on a journey to find answers to her past with the aid of her new friends. (Lets all hope my brother doesn't TPK our group while I teach him to DM this weekend)

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Kry: I already accept that I am not king of anything, I am not superior to anyone at all, nor am I comparable to others, the world does not belong to me.
I also regret all the atrocities I committed to
throughout my story I am unforgivable
and you? Did you also reflect?

Tpk: No.

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My DnD character died today in a random spiral of chaos causing a TPK and I am not sure how to cope.

Amazing way to go out, wonderful story telling and fantastic DM improvisation. But it was my first long campaign.

RIP Kaidan my sweet boi

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we love a tpk(nockout) in This House ... the talamats are having fun don’t worry

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Like shenanigans?
Check out the Carbyne Jungle Launching on on August 15th!

You can TPK your party in style with 3 rulesets, slick combat injuries, and War and Horror Optional rulesets.
Check out the kickstarter at

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DM treating us to a gelatinous cube tonight (and a near TPK)

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あわせてTPKも10周年でめでたい あとマジ感はスーパーファイアver.が大好きです

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What the worst TPK you've witnessed, either as a player or as a DM?

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6. Actually only one, a TPK due to Poor Decisions. I attacked a chain mimic we COULD have skipped, then led the party deeper into the Creepy Basement instead of out to safety... *coughs* A pity, too, I liked Hana =P She got eaten by a wall mimic.

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Renara & Jerry are totally fine and we definitely didn't just have a tpk on Friday and she absolutely did not accidentally give her soul to Lolth...
Bad decisions were made.

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Thought: Some of the creatures in our TPK Bestiary get pretty dark and gruesome, but we feel it gives powerful creatures an added air of menace and danger. Would a mature content warning be appropriate? Example below: A Lynchwood, with some rather brutal abilities.

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Mahahaha. I love that type of stuff!! I’m not a fan of my sketching style myself (render monkey over here too) but I have done a few dnd party sketches. Oh I drew our near TPK one time just to let off steam. 😆

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