Something for my new Twin Peaks followers and something for my Trekkies. Leland Palmer and Captain Lorca!

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I’m going to start doing Sexy? Trek posts next. The question mark is for “is this sexy”? Like Shahna from The Gamesters of Triskelion and hairy chest Riker from The Angel One.

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Jean-Luc and his new doggie from the new “Picard” poster.

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I don’t think Trek ever did a zombie story so here’s Zombie TOS Kirk and Zombie Admiral Janeway.

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Sisko from the DS9 episode “Trials and Tribbulations” and Helmsmen Keyla Detmer from Discovery .

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Wrath of Khan Kirk and Lt. Ilya (V’ger) from The Motion Picture.

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Pride Month continues with Mirror Universe Intendant Kira and Lt. Paul Stamets from Discovery.

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“Number One” Will Riker doing the “Riker Lean” and Cadet Tilly from Discovery.

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Some LGBT Star Trek characters for Pride Month. Dr Hugh Culber from Discovery and Kelvin Timeline Sulu.

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Commander Kira Nerys from the final season of DS9 and Gary Mitchell from TOS episode “Where No Man has Gone Before”.

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Mirror Universe Uhura and Mirror Universe Emperor Georgiou.

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How about some holodeck alter egos? Janeway as Queen Arachnia and Picard as gumshoe Dixon Hill.

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I’ve been sick and not able to draw! Feeling better today. Sulu was also sick, once, in this TOS episode. And “The Emissary” Captain Benjamin Sisko from DS9

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