hey Another day, another awesome Throne of Glastle character to introduce you to! Meet Elvyra, the Half-Elf Death Domain Cleric played by Don't forget to tune in to our campaign this Thursday at 6:30pm EST!
Art by

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Just an unmarked version of the new XII cover art for . I think I put too much jojo energy in this.
By the way if you like it and wanna check out more of my art for ttrpgs, all the art for witch&craft is done by your truly!

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Want to support us as a show and get access to things like our upcoming MoTW mini campaign? For $5 or more a month you can do that! We are halfway to our goal of paying our cast monthly, help us get there! Link ⬇️

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Today's Throne of Glass campaign (Throne of Glastle if you will) is canceled. But I wanted to start introducing you our story's characters. Today, allow me to introduce Kaylynn, an Eladrin Warlock played by
Art by

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We need help finishing our pulp fantasy expansion! The book is 80% done, we just need a bit more art and then printing costs. Please help if you can via our Ko-Fi (link down below). A donation of $15 pre-orders the digital version!

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A fantasy axe-wielder guy. Portrait of one of my characters in a BECMI homebrew. Warcry inspired?

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A slightly Star Wars-ish reaver concept?

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I hope everyone has a great weekend! Don't forget to hit me up by the end of the weekend if you want character art for someone special this holiday season! Spots are filling up fast!

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Good morning all! I need to find some artists for Spell Burn. I'm not sure the best hashtags to use. The one I put up yesterday only got noticed by 2 artists. Maybe it got lost in Rising.
I am looking to pay for art, artists have to eat too

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Today's artist spotlight goes to !
His art is SO amazing. <3 Love you Sam!

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It's again!

We've FINALLY finished the artwork for so to celebrate, we want to know what you creative folks are working on this week.

Go on... Show us what you've got!

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What is up gamers!!
The : Class Toolkit Compendium just hit BEST SILVER SELLER!
Thanks for all the support and keep it coming!

Cheers to all you fantastic people!

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