Nous avons tous une collective pour limiter la des virus. Afin que chacun ait le même niveau d'information, a conçu un accessible à tous pour rappeler les gestes en (Facile à Lire et à Comprendre)

16 24

If schools do shut, we’re going to run YouTube Makers club, virtually, every day. With challenges, ideas, support and if we get sponsorship, prizes, discounted kits/supplies. Accessible, creative, fun and led by kids for kids
Who would be up for supporting our time to do this

102 243

Yeah, it’s one of the best ways to show yourself in the foot by not having one and updating it when needed. I’ve seen SO MANY talented artists get over looked because they failed to make their work and business accessible to other. That’s why I made the second I started selling

0 1

When I was child, I used to take old self-made dinghy, painted in my way and went on little wavy. Spent all days. I imagined that I was sailing on my own sailboat in storm... Imagined of unaccessible worlds and new lands.
Then 23 years later, I ended sailing on expedition boat.

7 30

We ought to be inspired more by children's picture books, maybe one of the most accessible ways of figuring out what is really important in life. A rootless alienated lonely population are "better for the economy" though. Here is the work of Iwamura Kazuo.

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"This is an excellent informational picture book to read to kindergarten or first grade classes as a delightful, accessible introduction to the nest-building behavior of birds." -

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Feed 📰 Can design help make data more accessible, comprehensible and equitable? (Via ) >

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Dear EduTwitter, lots of us around the 🌎 are looking for solutions just in case there are temporary school closures. If we all use the hashtag, we'll all have access to a searchable repository of resources to make learning accessible. Please share widely!

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I'm aiming for an Early Access release date sometime in the next four to five weeks. Fair warning: For MoK2 to be accessible to new players it needs to spoil the heck out of 1 :) On twitter, however, I'll still do my best to keep it all as vague as possible...

3 16

Naomi Harwin’s ‘Encounter’ is open 12–5 every day in our new Test Space. 'Encounter' is wheelchair-accessible. To see exhibition photographs, and to find out more, visit our website here:

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Mark Spencer , Botany Curator: W. Keble Martin's Concise British Flora. It’s a beautifully illustrated and accessible work that helped me learn my first wild plant names and get into the world of botany. 3/

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What’s the name all about?

The Fourdrinier [four-drin-ee-ay] machine marked the beginning of industrialised paper production, making paper a truly accessible mass medium.

The basic process of paper-making follows the principles of the Fourdrinier machine to this day.

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Seeing people in the Microprose Discord mention wanting a flight sim with an accessible 90s level of realism makes me think. For a long time I've wondered if an audience for that kind of thing existed anymore since that specific kind of sim is long dead.

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THANK YOU to all of our sponsors for the 2020 Muslim Women's Leadership Conference! Because of your generosity, we are able to keep this dynamic conference open and accessible to all Muslim women.

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"A gentle, wholly accessible tale of quiet curiosity, the love of family, and the hatching of eggs." -

Hazel and Twig: The Lost Egg
by Brenna Burns Yu

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"Bryson brings signature wit & charm to his latest book: a look at the human body. Comprehensive yet accessible, this is fascinating. I was blown away by the things our bodies are capable of, & even more amazed by how much we still don’t understand..."

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Hello there! The batch from February is Complete ❤
This content will be accessible for who send their pledges until February 29.

Description :

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I'm really content with my California life. I got a strong (physical) support system that is also passionate about cartoons. Industry people are nice and accessible. I'm not where I want to be 100% career-wise, but I feel like I have the world at my fingertips.

3 30

Yeah Q1'2003. Seams to have one single-player map and one multiplayer map accessible by in-game meuns. the bones of the game is and yeah has its bugs like locking up when trying to quit a map but yeah would be a good demo of the game or ubisoft higher ups

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