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Really dug that trailer! (Though they should pay Esad Ribic for that shot they traced)
Here’s a pick of that time I drew for a card set

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Primer poster de Thor: Love and Thunder [Thor: Amor y Trueno] ~ en inglés y español

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>  マイティ・ソー  <
>   ライザップ   <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^YY^ ̄

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After watching the trailer today I thought I’d draw as
Digital drawing

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Absolutely loving this poster, AND the guns on Portman...this flicks gonna SLAY.

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Thor lights up the skies in the new poster for

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Moonknight shielding Spider-Man from the rain 🌧

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Mi parte favorita del "Teaser Trailer" de

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Had to draw up this design for all my cosplay heads so that they can be sexy Ravager Thor. Design currently up at both TeePublic and Redbubble.



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Ehi, voi che vi siete entusiasmati per il teaser trailer di LEGGETE I FUMETTI! I film durano giusto un po’, le storie a fumetti sono praticamente infinite… e sono ottimo carburante per le vostre teorie. E poi potete sussultare quando beccate queste sorprese!

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Thor Love and Thunder! Official poster - my Recreation, side by side. By using Photomode shots! ⚡⚡

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