i ship with all my heart. stay tuned because i finallu bought a new pc and i can finally work on all my erasermic-themed inktober drawings. I SWEAR

97 290

a little erasermic draw I did as a bday gift for the other day 💕💕

31 79

Old sketchpost a lil villain aizawa comic i did woo

12 96

Hizashi: AAAHHH, there is an insect!!!
Aizawa: No again...

62 216

erasermic is the only ship that matters, fight me
gosh, i missed drawing aizawa

261 583



9 31

Old sketchpost I used to draw a lot of but then kind of forgot about it

8 29

I already posted this on tumblr so I’ll post it here too for people who no longer use tumblr

23 52

Based of a text post by justkeeptrekkin on tumblr. Please do not repost, retweets are welcome though!

93 255

i literally had to reteach myself how to draw yagi’s hair and im deeply ashamed

10 37