Cleopatra, Egyptian queen of queens. Was she guided by aliens and was her involvement with the Roman Empire?

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Here's Nuria <333 Since she's been getting queen comments i decided to draw her as one 👑!#cutiesaturday

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We will always love you Freddie, dear ❤️ 1946-1991

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女王様~!BoRhapを観てからというもの、魅力に取り憑かれています。Top Of The Pops出演時の衣装をもとに書きました。これもprocreateより。

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"Darling, that's grizzly"

Had some bears in my mind for a while with these big heads and minuscule faces, i just had to draw them. Came out rly good.

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이런저런 이유로 영화 ‘보헤미안랩소디’를 아직 못봤다. 믿거나말거나 때맞춰 극장에 갈 여유가없었다. 아쉬움을 달래려 짬짬이 유튜브에서 웸블리스타디움의 Live Aid를 반복해서 보고있다.

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