-Love is about acceptance of who we are, what we are and not about lust. It's what made friends care for. Love is like building a shelter towards the oppressed and the lonely that makes them not alone in this world
A tiny thank you can change anything

7 15

Xiao Wu and Quinn Sakurazaki. They seem to be going on their own little adventure. (Now I have drawn all ASG Characters!)

12 27

Calling all Strikers! Sign-ups for the ASG Secret Santa sign-ups are open!
>> <<

Gifts can be a coloured sketch or a short story, I want this to be a quick, fun and stress-free event for the community!

22 38

Good ol' QUILL. Never forget this team. (Also yes, GV is in his ASG2 outfit.)

24 74

How Milas really got into The Seven

55 127

copen with "yo!" word
fanart coped from azure striker gunvolt
umm...want change word to "Fuck"-----

1 2

In the super secret ending to Gunvolt 1, Stratos fully recovers after his fight and finds a giant hamburger 🍔💚#IntiFanArt

7 15

I will eventually post Actual Good And Wholesome Gunvolt content sometime soon.
But for now, this.

19 44

【宣伝】黄昏時<マジックアワー>に溶けゆくは、機械仕掛けの少女の願<おも>い。『蒼き雷霆 爪(ソウ)』のファンディスク第一弾『機械仕掛けの儚夢(クロックワーク デイドリーム)』が好評発売中!価格2,000円+税

49 98

Eden Power Rangers Go? (Not the best of drawings, but just practicing on poses. Still had fun with this.)

16 61


26 80

I think i am so early but i draw Halloween GV!

6 18

【不意打ち】有るかも知れない設定資料集に備えて サルベージ中\(^-^)/ 任天堂さんプレゼン資料の表紙用に畠山さんが描いた絵です!最初期のGV君とモルフォちゃんは新鮮な感じがしますね(*^-^*)

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