First doodles.
Not gonna lie, John Doe in the game looks cute if you put him right next to mine 😄
My version of him looks like he's about to snap in any second.

20 304

I think he loves you, I could be wrong tho 🤔

I didn't know if I wanted to post this on my main, but ultimately I decided to play it safe a post it here since main is for more friendly stuff.

58 443

Dibujos que realicé antes y no se por que no los subí ٩( ᐛ )و

14 193

эти ваши джоны и питеры............. уф

5 106

A little more headcanon drawing.

80 647

Ok yesterday played and me just watched. I love the way JohnDoe change your game…but I don’t think I like him the way I love Peter and Jack… so here is a meme that reflects my feelings towards them

156 1515

But mama I'm a simp of a criminal~
And this type of love is rational~

35 488

I present John Cattoe and him doing John Cattoe things

99 1344

I'm simping for this guy really hard, h3lp

3 53

I have no idea what twitter magic you guys put to make him look like a normal sweet yandere character in your arts

This is what my image for him
(I like his hair though, so I put the normal(?) John Doe next to it)

27 282