[Fanart] The penguin & Kyu haha ^^ cr egm0069

215 61

Mooyoung!Kyu from The Days! Check out all the pretty art at the SJ Filmography collab here: https://t.co/Q7cqSIgPto!

20 14

[Fanart] Kyu Masked Singer [rarasshii]

8 3

Strawberry Kyu's bonus present❤ FlowerKyu's notepaper❤

2 6

151001Kyu pika and nam 🌱 dating 🍭Rush to the airport, i forgot to save the background..(🌻⛅🌿🌱TT

3 3

150928 teacher:Kyu Pika 😃 plz take care out tree baby Woohyun 💟 Kyu:of course , he is my honey baby!Hyun:😁

26 11

My love💋

6 11

[Fanart] She's so COOL SO KYU ~ http://t.co/nwAXNkyLRu

140 42

Kyu's characters are the best characters aka the beginning of Hiro's doom

146 386

七夕情人節快樂❤ 獻上我愛的圭冏(?)❤❤❤

5 3

Let's enjoy KYU stickers ^^))
https://t.co/txct6UZRvd or search ' Guiyu ' >/////////<)) thankyuuuu ♡

152 45

[CAP] 150717 Naver Starcast with - (Cr. Hungry Cho) nomnom Kyu

166 75

Minion Kyu hahahahaha ❤

5 6

[Fanart] Aloha Kyu Kyu ^^ [by. 2jiong]

12 6

150526 Summer Night - kyu & hyun .Today is So hot in HongKong , So I post the fresh one tonight ⊙▽⊙

1 1

150510 KYUHYUN after Robin Hood musical (Cr. @杏树小果实) 막공 farewell Prince Philip Kyu 😭😘

77 40

150503 Super Show 6 Jakarta - KYUHYUN [Please do not edit] lovely Kyu 😘

161 66

6 - riding bicycle is always fun ~ baby Kyu in SJ Experience Korea & little Kyu with yellow bike^^

147 68