画質 高画質

"Chen i'm a bit concerned about the recent Gensokyo Incident"

"Orin, we're Cats"

696 3827

Xi Chen
インクに潜む神話 :クリーチャーと矛盾のシンフォニー

2 18


233 1667

✨Minor Arcana - 9 of Coins ✨
Murong Chen & Murong Mengze

The third and last card for ~ (3/3)

87 355

a bribe by of Mystia and Chen based on a scene from The Big Lebowski
thank you ~ :D

92 347

Even getting ascension. But, turn back to his first form after seeing the Chen Gong farming method.

2 9

had to replay this part 20 times to cap these but chen had this split-second super moe relieved face before she gets called out for it by miss raised eyebrow emoji https://t.co/EzlNiGo2LB

10 100

Chen, I told u gonna choke if ya eat too fast…🥵

25 296

AND THIS ONE i thought she was going to let hoshi help her put on the jacket but she just grabbed it... also the dialogue arrange here i love how the anime is basically very 'chen is so repressed' hours (keep this in mind for later)

2 7

speaking of the CN dub it was a little ??? because Chen says 诗小姐 and Swire replies 跟你说过多少次我不姓施 which is like ❔ was the subs supposed to say 施小姐 for the whole 'no one (̵e̵l̵s̵e̵)̵ can tell'
in game she says 施警司 (EN will never fix this but its Schwire line 1🫡

1 4

sticker set gated behind 40 RMB/year sub to some QQ thing where chen is fry from futurama

28 190

this years contenders: Remilia, Chen&Ran (2 separate pumpkins), Aya and Komachi

4 34

A quick Chen but Gothic sort of

39 205