Hubble just released its own Messier catalog full of deep space objects that are all "not-a-comet." Check it out:

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Pandora’s granny causes magical mayhem wherever she goes.
Hubble Bubble: The Super-Spooky Fright Night!

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Orion from Hubble, 2002:

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The center of the universe? A cat, surely. Just ask & his kitty Copernicus.

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Happy This image reveals Hubble's view of the pulsar at the heart of the famous Crab Nebula.

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Have a super-duper weekend y'all

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Everyone loves Hubble images, but did you know that these images have lead to groundbreaking scientific discoveries?

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M16, the Eagle Nebula! Famous for the Pillars of Creation image. 12x300s, ISO-1600 on my 11-inch reflector with my Nikon DSLR.

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Astrophysicist Alex Parker recreated Vincent Van Gogh's The Starry Night using 100 different images from the Hubble Space telescope.

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Each design has been inspired by the vivid colours and images from the Hubble telescope.

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27 photos majestueuses de l'espace prises par le télescope Hubble en 27 ans d'existence. via

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Get a sharper look at Hubble's latest portrait of Jupiter

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my acrylic on canvas that looks like a photo the Hubble might have taken. I love me some Hubble !

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This month marks the 27th anniversary of 🎉 Help celebrate by looking back on some of Hubble's Highlights:

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Už 27 let ohromují snímky z Hubbleova dalekohledu svět. Vznikl jen díky zarputilosti fyzika Lymana Spitzera.

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Hubbleův teleskop pořídil ty nejlepší snímky vesmíru. A přitom jde o splněný sen jednoho urputného muže:

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