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From yesterday's livestream!
Any of you getting the kanto pass on ? (I'm not because is hella expensive here in Brazil)

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151 - Mew
Type: Psychic

Because it can learn any move, some people began research to see if it is the ancestor of all POKéMON.

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149 - Dragonite
Type: Dragon/Flying

It is said that somewhere in the ocean lies an island where these gather. Only they live there.

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147 - Dratini
Type: Dragon

It sheds many layers of skin as it grows larger. During this process, it is protected by a rapid waterfall.

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146 - Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying

Legendary bird POKéMON. It is said to migrate from the south along with the spring.

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145 - Zapdos
Type: Electric/Flying

Legendary bird POKéMON. They say lightning caused by the flapping of its wings causes summer storms.

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143 - Snorlax
Type: Normal

This POKéMON's stomach is so strong, even eating moldy or rotten food will not affect it.

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142 - Aerodactyl
Type: Rock/Flying

In prehistoric times, this POKéMON flew freely and fearlessly through the skies.

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141 - Kabutops
Type: Rock/Water

It was able to swim quickly through the water by compactly folding up its razor-sharp sickles.

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140 - Kabuto
Type: Rock/Water

Three hundred million years ago, it hid on the sea floor. It also has eyes on its back that glow.

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139 - Omastar
Type: Rock/Water

Its heavy shell allowed it to reach only nearby food. This could be the reason it is extinct.

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138 - Omanyte
Type: Rock/Water

In prehistoric times, it swam on the sea floor, eating plankton. Its fossils are sometimes found.

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137 - Porygon
Type: Normal

An artificial POKéMON created due to extensive research, it can perform only what is in its program.

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136 - Flareon
Type: Fire

Once it has stored up enough heat, this POKéMON's body temperature can reach up to 1700 degrees.

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135 - Jolteon
Type: Electric

The negatively charged ions generated in its fur create a constant sparking noise.

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134 - Vaporeon
Type: Water

As it uses the fins on the tip of its tail to swim, it blends with the water perfectly.

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