You’re not stuck at home.
You’re safe at home.

Take a bath or something....

5 12

You’re not stuck at home.
You’re safe at home.

Mend a fence or something.

22 80

What’s the most “life changing” comic book event you remember?
Has to be Age of Apocalypse for me!What an epic upheaval and complete revamp of much loved and epic characters.

✏️ 👏🏻

20 67

Wolverine by Francis M. Zerrudo

1 19

Once the world’s less crazy...
and we’re all safe and sound...
Deadpool3 with a REAL cameo needs to happen.
in disguise as in disguise as to REALLY confuse our boy for laughs 🤔

28 79

Based on the redesign by (who commissioned it) and Robert wanted me to focus on Laura's mental pain and self-cutting, rather than the usual heroic poses. It was a nice challenge.

8 17

Just stand back, admire & enjoy a big fat ‘gar.


16 68

You're always my favorite Hope we can work together soon! I dreamed you voice one my characters in my series! 🙏🏾

0 1