Wolverine vs Cyclops
Age of Apocalypse
11" x 17"
Acrylic on Strathmore

It's never shown how Weapon X loses a hand and how Cyclops loses an eye so that was my job for this one. This one was a tricky one.

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❌tra! Phoenix 5 Namor, Weapon Omega Wolverine & Emma Frost Iceman💎❄️ who is your favorite Hero gone wild?

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Straight from the 'Marvel Comics: Next Big Thing' panel at - the crossover.
The intrigue is the positioning that the look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special” compare to this!
Worth the wait & hype?
Superb covers by

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Reverse process of AoA Colossus for w . I ended up pushing a more steam punk piratey look for one of my favorite character designs.

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Once this dries then it's inks and then oil bars with razor blade fun as Geoff Tate is melodically screaming that he remembers now.

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I was rewatching the x-men episodes where Apocalypse starts to kidnap psychics strangely from only point in time ,the early 90s . He could have easily went to 2099. Anyways I figured it would be fun to post this after all the psychic I drew.

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