Glad I'm not the only one to suddenly come up with this.

Original art by keithmagnaye

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I have only taken a few shots but here's my contribution

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My part of trade with and also fanart with characters from God of war
"Father's love"

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Jormungandr, the World Serpent from God Of War 4 in humanized form. Gosh I fucking love that game, when he first appeared and spoke his dead language to Kratos and Atreus, I screamed too hard I almost peed myself. ❤

11 65

So Saturday was the one year anniversary of God of War 4. This game is amazing and I am currently playing it again. Atreus is so adorable.
If you haven’t played or seen a play through of the game, I recommend it massively.

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i don't think i could even begin to talk about what means to me, so here's something. thank you for such an inspiring game!!!

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I will be streaming today but its going to 5pm instead of my usual 3pm continuing the original ps2 game not the new one at least not yet.

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Only recently finished playing through and dear lord, it is a MASTERPIECE. Although it's a different version of Asgard, would love to see these two titans go up against one another.

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God of War Celebrates One Year Anniversary with Thank You Video, Free Theme, and Avatars

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Lovely animation and particle effects

11 49

God of War Werewolf character reanimated by Freya. (If your wondering about the staples/stiches on his jaw and chest, watch how Kratos executes werewolves :x ouch...

5 55

100 Bears - no. 31 - Kratos

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Fu**ing God 2
Random bara stuff of this horrible ship of and from there's something with the size diference that make me crazy on this

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Happy 14th birthday, first started being the angriest man in Ancient Greece on this day in 2005.

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