What happens when Bowser breaks the internet...

"Bowser Breaks the Browser!"

Sorry, just some dumb thing that popped into my head😅

Now, try and say that ten times faster. Lol

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Made trials with Chrome Canvas App on my mobile web browser. Apart from unable to pick colour, limited zoom out & unable to hide the tool panel, Canvas is a quite interesting free app.
Depicted were Splatoon's Agent 3 and my OC Kelan.

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Spider-Man (In-browser, ZX Spectrum, Atari 8-bit, Apple II, DOS) https://t.co/wrIt6qSvFl All versions are listed at this link via search term wizardry.
Use the S1 and S2 .dsk files in the in-browser disk-swapping emulator at https://t.co/BSso8cVwbK

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Chrome-sama will purge the internet of redundant browsers whose only purpose is to feed her with RAM

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oh right i made this wallpaper for my browser so here

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Daze Before Christmas (In-browser, Genesis, Funcom, 1994) https://t.co/NTx6fCLONW
Anti-Claus: what happens when you misspell Santa.

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Firefox is best waifu--er, I mean BROWSER!

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i can finally close the browser tab with a photo of this shirt that i've had open for six months to remind myself to draw this

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Fire & Ice (In-browser, DOS/Master System, Graftgold, 1992/1996)
DOS: https://t.co/decfMBL6Wh (Pick options 1,1,2,5 and play with QAOP and Space.)
Master System: https://t.co/nFsI7JeWSw (Use 1, Ctrl, Alt and arrows. Go fullscreen to avoid Alt key conflict.)

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You will find all these and collagraph in the browser in Winter Show. Call in I am stewarding today SUNDAY open 10:00 - 5:00

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I rebuilt GROW CUBE in HTML5.
You can play on smartphone immediately.
Let's play for the first time in a while!

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MY NEW MONITOR HAS ARRIVED!!!!!! *in happy tears* (though the browser display is in a strange wider size huh I need some time to solve it) But then I am sick and my head and waist hurts ; m ;

I need my fair share of Stony fluff!!!

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2 starts with eddie bleaching his hair blonde and typing frantically on his browser

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