This feeling we share
joy is on the horizon
a change we both need

by Agnes Cecile

15 35

Rational angels do not live here anymore
Wings turned black
Virtue lost in the search for knowledge
Fallen into the storm
I am rid of the regrets
Toss them on the gusty gale
One last time...
Will my faced be turned
To the servitude of heaven


11 19

BOOM! I hit 1k! Thanks to the and people for making me a somebody! And my non-writing pals, too. I have taken a picture to commemorate...haha. Although I think I should celebrate 1,004 cuz I'm sure there's at least 4 sexbots following me.

3 18

If passion were a perfume
Its would be surrounding me
on satin sheets, the wafting breeze
the lingering essence of you

(Gif: Pinterest)

4 9

After looking up the origin of the word , it was easy for Jenna Isusango to see why some classify her as such. Not that her life was easy when people see you morph black claws and serrated teath on a emotional whim, but hey, she rolled with who she was.

4 11

Like in life, when you observe from a different angle, you will discover another perspective.

from the highest peak before the

9 79

Strangers are the fantasies of your own making but you will not stray too far from home

1 3

Safe in his son's house, hearing the rain, his withered muscles twitched with the memory of riding out maelstroms at sea--of struggling to stay upright while battening all doors, of swinging out from the mast over churning waves to tie down the sheets.

He longed for it.

1 8

Quickly jotted notes
stacks of of paper
memories, emotions
unbreakable bonds
to save her soul
she strings words
hellfire & harmony
rainbow tattoos
thunder & lightning
so she could feel alive

15 39

Sometimes it's a just getting out of bed. The conflict ahead seem impossible, so you take the win and marshal your strength for war. Taking a shower is donning armor, eating breakfast is feeding the troops, and sitting down to a blank page is a battle cry.

2 14

Come Fairies, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame

8 66