The Mantis aliens are the main ambassadors for the Galactic Federation with headquarters on Sirius B. The will appear in SKY GODS S1/E4...

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Valdar, from the planet Koldas was first seen in South Africa by a teenager. Koldas is a major planet in an alternate dimension. The Koldasians are also part of the Galactic Federation.

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The Greys are often reported in alien abduction experiences. Wouldn't you be scared if this face would stare at you in the middle of the night? I know I would 👽👽#aliens

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The moon signs in Native American mythology express shadows, motion, change and soft illuminations of the personality - just like the moon.

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran have been wildly encountered going back almost a full century. Do they have bases under Antarctica?

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The Arcturians are one if the most advanced civilizations in the universe. They created the lightships of the Federation and are the guardians of the Crystal Gardens.

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Cetaceans are one of the oldest beings seeded on earth with spirits from Sirius. They are strong spiritual warriors with strong ties to Egypt!

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Nergal is Enlil's eldest son and he will continue his father's reign and feud after the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria.

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The lightbeings from the Vega system in the constellation of Lyra are the original creators who were on earth billions of years ago.

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“Fading of the Subject” – Street Artist Deih mit Doppel-Mural im italienischen Minturno

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Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess in Egyptian history but changed later into the cat goddess that we are familiar with today.

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Amex Nimeon from Sirius and his dolphin companion arrive on earth through a portal (also known as Stargates) on an important mission.

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The Sirian's influence on earth can be seen and felt in many places on earth but nowhere more so than in Ancient Egypt.

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Mercredi à 18h, retrouvez et en conférence à l'Institut Culturel Italien de Paris ! Au passage, vous pourrez y voir une petite exposition consacrée à "Charles" et à "L'heure des mirages" !

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KI is the mother of Enlil and consort to Anu after Enki was born. The Anunnaki were polyamorous, yet, they still would were possessive and jealous.

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Short promo video featuring some of the production sketches. Things are heating up at the studio with presentations going out to the networks on Monday :)

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