Les persos de seront en 3D, mais on vous prévoit pas mal de surprises que les fans de la BD apprécieront !

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Apres 3jours de code, un crobard en 3D, ca fait du bien

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The Legend of Zelda : Majora's Mask 3D, bientôt sur 3DS http://t.co/GFxsP2uQn7

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After eleven years of 3D, introduced me to and and I've got the painting bug

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This is how you 3D, right?

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¿Quieres estudiar Diseño Gráfico, Animación, Arte 3D, Ilustración, ZBrush? Matrícula abierta:http://t.co/v38WOjpepr

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AIBA - Character Design in Process // Cuando lo termine lo subo a deviantart :3 (Qué caos... 3D, lineas, vectores...)

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Finished a thing on Colors3D, videoprogress: http://t.co/RLuAJ9aZHO

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Bonsoir en attendant 2 te voir en 3D, avec impatience, le 13 nov, demain ! Voici ma 2D pour toi, enjoy!

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All people in this illustration are 3D, none of them are photograph. Positioned, wear and distribute them

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Todas as pessoas nessa peça são 3D, nenhuma delas é fotografia. Posicionamos, vestimos e distribuímos todas elas.

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