Project — by

Broad imagination, artistic dimensions


developed in threejs. press [P] to toggle paper effect

1 9

Making some 3D gems with
My knn blending model generates gem-like 2D images so I tried a similar algorithm in 3D. The resulting model is only ~4KB in size and doesn't use any image textures or shaders. Video below.

3 20

Genuary 029 - Scattered Diamonds.
Prompt: Isometric perspective.

A lot harder than I tought, I'm not even sure I did it right. I used the Orthographic Camera in Threejs. I like the composition tough

1 11

Day 11 "3D" - Lego Ireland

Created in with QGIS2threejs.


Elevation from SRTM and land use from CORINE.

18 111

Final port of IK Rigs for Its posted with the rest of the files for lesson 137 at github. Have at it, free for all.
Just 2 more videos till all tutorials are up about the inner workings of the system.

15 72