Does tryptophan really make you sleepy? We deconstruct this age-old myth at the VB Blog. Take a look!  
​Read the article here:

3 9

In Digital Monster X Ver 3 Nakano Haito is responsible for Gankoomon X, Ophanimon X, Cherubimon X and Pegasmon X!!

11 45

cellophane glow!New baby adopted from !!!
He's a plush lion kimera🦁🐍And look how cute he is!!!

9 62

Marceline, Bonnibel, Finn, Jake and Lumpy Space Princess fight a more traditional vampire, The Hierophant.

Later, Princess Bubblegum searches for a cure for Marceline and Finn and Jake battle a vampire.

Stakes Part 5 and 6 aired 4 years ago today.

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Since not in good mood, have to do a mecha…
Based on my memories and little reference, I tackled Gundam Barbatos in "Gundam Converge" style.

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12 ноября - Зиновий Синичник, Синичкин день. Справа налево сверху вниз: большая синица (Parus major), буроголовая гаичка (Poecile montanus), тиссовая синица (Parus varius), хохлатая синица (Lophophanes cristatus)

4 27

HIEROPHANTO GREEN! Transparent version can be found on my DA, Tumblr, Pixiv and newgrounds! Please retweet if you can!

2 8

Jeanne D'arc meets D'arcmon.

I always liked D'arcmon. She has a really cute design. I headcanon her as Ophanimon's Champion if I want to go a full angel route

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5 教皇(The Hierophant)

(2013 戦国BASARA 真田幸村編)



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in honor of “Magdalene”s release I want to share this piece I made as soon as cellophane came out

3 12

Hierophant se sent vaguement visé...

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📚 Le facteur Cratophane, Liberge

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