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@darlinglledawn Oh shit but also zoeymau I’m gonna explode I love tragedy call me Euripides I love my tragedies
Born #onthisday1908 Jean Bellette Australian #Modernist #artist Frequently painted scenes influenced by Greek tragedies of Sophocles & Euripides & Homer’s epics Only woman to have won 2x Sulman Prize For Whom the Bell Tolls (1942) & Iphigenia in Tauris (1944)
The Hades II trailer is great not only for more Olympian thirst traps, but also for a frog!
In Aristophanes' The Frogs, Dionysos goes down into the underworld to search for Euripides. The chorus is made up of (ghost?) frogs who sing Βρεκεκεκὲξ κοὰξ κοάξ (Brekekekex Koax Koax).
#66 Medea
Much of the sympathetic bent given to Medea comes from Euripides’ tragedy ‘Medea’ written for a playwright contest in 431 BCE. Despite the play being considered one of the greatest in the western canon, Euripides got third place.
#ClassicsTober day #23: #pathos. A #Roman fresco from #Pompeii depicting a scene from the #tragedy 'Iphigenia in Tauris' by #Euripides.
In Euripides's play Medea, Jason leaves Medea when Creon, king of Corinth, offers him his daughter, Glauce.
The play tells of Medea avenging her husband's betrayal by killing their children.
By Victor Mote
Musée des beaux-arts de Blois
“I dream of rivers with a hundred mouths and mountains where the leaves turn over like silver fire. Take me there, Dionysus”
- Euripides, from ‘Bakkhai
Jason's tale has been written down by many people in many time periods, including Pindar, Euripides and Apollonios. One version, the Argonautica Orphica, tells the tale from Orpheus' point of view. I'll draw on many of these as we go along.
This is Euripides- bastard son of Aurelia and a man she never speaks of. Euripides is- for the most part- hidden from the Vouvali family. He is only known to Aurelia's hunters and Sir Romulus.
🎨 Jean Bellette (1908 – 1991) was an Australian 🇦🇺 artist and modernist painter. Bellette was influential in mid-twentieth century Sydney art circles. She frequently painted scenes influenced by the Greek tragedies of Euripides and Sophocles and the epics of Homer.
Born #onthisday1908 Jean Bellette Australian #Modernist #artist Frequently painted scenes influenced by Greek tragedies of Sophocles & Euripides & Homer’s epics Only woman to have won 2x Sulman Prize For Whom the Bell Tolls (1942) & Iphigenia in Tauris (1944)
‘Sleeping Fury’ The Kirin’s collaborative acrylic on canvas 30x30cm. #furies #palazzoaltemps #rome #roma #euripides #oedipus #sophocles #erinyes #acryliconcanvas #collaborativeart #thekirins @suffolkopenstudios #sculptedhead @MuseoRomano
Nisa Aygın’ın dijital çalışması ve Esin Karahüseyin’in “İki Farklı Kadın Medea: Euripides ve Seneca” yazısı, Uyar Edebiyat Dergisi'nin 17. sayısında!
https://t.co/9opWnhQQbc üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Nisa Aygın’ın dijital çalışması ve Esin Karahüseyin’in “İki Farklı Kadın Medea: Euripides ve Seneca” yazısı, Uyar Edebiyat Dergisi'nin 17. sayısında!
https://t.co/9opWnhQQbc üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Uyar Edebiyat Dergisi 17. sayısında yer alan “İki Farklı Kadın Medea: Euripides ve Seneca” yazısı için yapmış olduğum illüstrasyon çalışmam