Was it John Paul Jones who said, "I've not yet begun to grift"?

45 129

Republican hypocrisy in a nutshell 😡😡😡😡😡😡

141 451


0 3

President Biden calls out fascists while fake-president future-convict grifting treasonous Trump wants to reward them.

35 102

they got called MAGA fascists this week and called out. If it quacks like a duck 🦆 it’s a duck .. there feeelllllliiiingggs are so hurt..

0 1

he called them fascists this weeks and now there feeling are hurt… if it quacks like a duck 🦆 it’s a duck …

0 5

When it comes to offending MAGA fascists, you can include me in the fuck-their-feelings crowd.

62 176

we can secure our water by healing the water cycle. Identify and fix critical areas of erosion, and slow/spread/sink the water back into the landscape with terraforming earthworks and regenerative agriculture on a massive scale.

1 2

Midterm voters now cite "threats to democracy" as their top issue. Let's hope they understand there is no greater threat to American democracy than MAGA, Trump, and Republicans.

41 131