‘Stroll of Reality,’ is dark witted writing that rips the blinds off the windows and exposes the underground of society in the touching on religion, race and Read more here: https://t.co/weqTsEMK8p

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I dedicate this cartoon to all the Putin-Loving MAGAts who whined about President Biden's very presidential trip to Ukraine. Waaaaa.

40 127

Strength! Trump Won ! !

91 187

Donald Trump始動 https://t.co/OlS2wu8DJK


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Donald Trumps of the Multiverse.

Full Collection here:

0 4

Let's take a product popular with people who care about & the ... who care about & the AND then piss on all four! Then promote lying & folks, who don't give a rat's ass about your product.

32 63

Trump announces he will run for president in 2024. Check out our cartoon collection: https://t.co/SSxZi9UIYM

These cartoon are by Daria Banegas, and

14 38

【速報】トランプ前大統領 2024年大統領選への出馬を表明

トランプ応援作品の制作を再開します♪ ´∀`)/

3 10

Thank you to Voters. have spoken, 60% of America reject the former guy from Mar-a-Lardo.

474 1722


30 187

Back the who ?? Law and Order .. plus add confusion of where he worked .. 5G consultant who worked for CIA ex military if this dude isn’t a Michael Flynn Bannon wanna be come on.. https://t.co/sUdRbXt9uk

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Meat Tosser - Layer 2

The burgers are starting to swallow him up. The real Trump would love it.

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