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Lindner setzt auf Eigenverantwortung beim Infektionsschutz“

19 50

„Mehrere Nervenleiden häufiger:
Covid-19 erhöht laut Studie Alzheimer-Risiko”

2 21

World gets Covid reality check as the next Omicron wave is building rapidly

Coronavirus infections are surging and masks are returning in dozens of countries --> https://t.co/1dtUtJd9cB

0 0

World gets Covid reality check as the next Omicron wave is building rapidly

Coronavirus infections are surging and masks are returning in dozens of countries --> https://t.co/LLZrmH8gdN

0 0

World gets Covid reality check as the next Omicron wave is building rapidly

Coronavirus infections are surging and masks are returning in dozens of countries ---> https://t.co/ixSUQpqa09

1 0

World gets Covid reality check as the next Omicron wave is building rapidly

Coronavirus infections are surging and masks are returning in dozens of countries ---> https://t.co/elqD5kkRNc

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World gets Covid reality check as the next Omicron wave is building rapidly

Coronavirus infections are surging and masks are returning in dozens of countries ---> https://t.co/OZruftzSp2

2 1

„Umfrage unter Eltern:
Kinder durch Corona dicker und weniger fit“

2 15

Please re-Tweet if you agree: “To care for those who once cared for us is one of the highest honors."

141 297

ArtDaily recommends:
Decoy particles trick coronavirus as it evolves

Read more about this here: https://t.co/w7zTMn8dl0

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She never was the best at plans

It seems that new worldwide crisis like a world war or Elon musk buying twitter will be moving the corona into oblivion, so there will be less reasons for Corona-chan to appear.

15 65