Froggy Friend bought for 0.10 ETH by Aryan994 from Mrroy44

0 4

Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH by 0xa7ae8e from 0x940034

0 0

Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH by 0x940034 from 0x682dd6

0 1

1541: Michelangelo vollendet sein "Jüngstes Gericht" in der Sixtinischen Kapelle. Als der päpstliche Zeremonienmeister die vielen nackten Figuren kritisiert, malt ihn M. in das Fresko hinein – als Höllenrichter, in dessen Penis sich eine Schlange verbissen hat.

137 2576

GN 🌚 Doménikos Theotokopoulos, called El Greco (1541-1614), The Entombment of Christ.

4 51


We’re airdropping a and a to 2 random minters within the next 20 mints!

If you mint this rare with a Jetpack and clout goggles you’ll also win this !

Mints 1541-1561

Official Mint:

110 159

Gm. Perspective.

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ (1480)
Andrea Mantegna

Corpse of Christ (1583)
Annibale Carracci

Christ on the Cross (date unknown)
El Greco (1541 - 1614)

Christ of Saint John of the Cross (1951)
Salvador Dali

14 88

🍻 sold for 0.0075 Ξ!

🔥Current floor price is 0.0075 Ξ.

Don't forget to check your favorite punk character🍻

1 6

El Greco 1541 - 1614
L'incoronazione della Vergine (1592c. )
Olio su tela (99 x 101 cm)
Madrid - Prado

3 6

There were 3 sales in the last 10 minutes:

Scoundrels 0.05 ETH ($63)
Scoundrels 0.05 ETH ($62)
Scoundrels 0.05 ETH ($56)

1 5

MetaWarden was purchased for 0.45 BNB! ($132.21 USD)

1 18

🍻 sold for 0.008 Ξ!

🔥Current floor price is 0.0078 Ξ.

Don't forget to check your favorite punk character🍻

1 8

생일축하해 자구자구!🎂🎂🎂
@ cap1541

69 487

뽀작한 규논이아빠! 그려줘서 고마워 자구!
@ cap1541

7 41

..5.11.El Greco-Doménikos Theotokópoulos(born Φόδελε Κρήτης 5 Novembre 1541-7 April 1614) was a Greek born,Spanish painter.Annunciation Ο Ευαγγελισμός

1 6

Καλημέρα και καλό Σάββατο Κύριακο El Greco -Doménikos Theotokópoulos( born 5 Novembre 1541-7 April 1614, Greek born, Spanish Renaissance artist.

0 7