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🎨 in 31 October 1541,  Buonarroti finished his epic fresco "The Last Judgement" in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. It had taken more than four years to complete.

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Behold! 480th Art Anniversary. OTD in Art History 31 October 1541, Michelangelo Buonarroti finished painting fresco of "The Last Judgement" in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome. The magnificent masterpiece commissioned by Pope Paul III in 1534. Depiction of Second Coming.

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Le 26 juin 1541, Francisco Pizarro est assassiné vers l'âge de 67 ans à Ciudad de los Reyes, en Nouvelle-Castille. Conquistador espagnol, il partit à la conquête du Pérou. Il captura le dernier empereur inca Atahualpa à la bataille de Cajamarca puis l'exécuta le 26 juillet 1533.

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