Day 64 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Soaring in from the cosmos, we have the mother of the Lumas, we have and I actually used the fairy from Pinocchio as reference for this one!! :D

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Day 63 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Welcome to the era!! Today we have the Fighters!! I went with their Smash 4 designs, but kept the faces of the Ultimate ones to make something completely new!!

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Day 62 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Mario day!? Ohhhhhhh I thought you said day!! Whoops!! Regardless, remakes are on their way, so Lucario is topical again hahaha!!

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Day 61 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Today we have the boy from Tazmily village, is such a beautiful experience, I cried then laughed and cried again, and that’s the best summarization for it.

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Day 60 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Here’s the REAL imposter, Dark Samus!! So a little bit of a discrepancy with the order cause she should’ve been before Ike (1/3)

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Day 59 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Here’s another very liked Lord, Some would even go as far to say that they “Like Ike”! Went with his Radiant Dawn appearance cause I like that design more

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Day 57 of drawing every character in a style inspired by The Hero of the wind, it’s drawn in an even cartoonier style lol!! I had to draw him as if he was conducting music with the Wind Waker!! :D

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Day 55 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Next up we have another one of iconic lords, This is the last character from Smash bros Melee that I needed to post so I’m progressing quite nicely!! :D

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Day 54 of drawing every character in a style inspired by It’s Time!! Here’s and with every Pikmin in smash!! (Sorry Rock Pikmin) These guys were really fun to do lol!!

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Day 53 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Welcome to Animal Crossing, here are the friendly that are keeping the town tidy for everyone to have a fun time while blasting each other off the stage in Smash

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Day 50 of drawing every character in a style inspired by It’s He’s a cool ninja dude who’s definitely NOT Zelda guys 😳 (I’m REALLY not tryna spoil anyone’s first Ocarina of Time experience, so play along with it guys)

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Day 49 of drawing every character in a style inspired by I’ve arrived at the Ocarina of Time characters. Here’s Still really funny that half the Zelda characters in Smash are Link lol

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Day 48 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Say hello to the platonic bear and bird duo, These guys are actually my other main in Smash!! I hope they can make a comeback just like Crash did!! :)

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Day 47 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Commander of the Star Wolf mercenary team, it’s O’ Donnell!! I actually cheated a little and used Scar from The Lion King as reference instead of anyone from the 30’s

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Day 46 of drawing every character in a style inspired by And here we have Smash’s most recent addition (At least until tomorrow cause they just announced a Direct for tomorrow lol) The one winged angel

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Day 45 of drawing every character in a style inspired by I am BACK on that Smash wave, here’s from Final Fantasy VII!! He’s always aloof to everything, and isn’t interested most of the time which makes him cool 😎

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Day 44 of drawing every character in a style inspired by And the final Pokémon for this batch, Definitely a favorite among Pokémon fans! I remember the days of Smash 4 when we were all so hype to see it return as DLC :)

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Day 43 of drawing every character in a style inspired by The other pink puffball in Smash, here’s Jigglypuff!! I’ve always viewed as a girl based off of her female trainer hat alts, so here she is!!

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Day 42 of drawing every character in a style inspired by Who’s that Pokémon!? It’s Yep, finally got to drawing the electric rodent!! Added his lighter belly to this redesign because I love classic fat Pikachu so much!!

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Day 41 of drawing every character in a style inspired by I’m really spoiling you guys with is one lol!! Not one, not two, but FIVE characters!! Today we have the Trainers with and

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