31: FARM
On halloween night the scarecrows come alive. The worst of them all is the Pumpking Mawl, a god of darkness. He torments victims within nightmares - if you see him awake youre already dead.

okay! we're done! thank you for lookin' 😁

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fairies are one of the most enduring monsters in folklore for good reason; they are ruthless creatures that use every tick in the book to trap and torture their prey.

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すみちぇる にわかの俳句

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Inktober 2022 Day 24 - Fairy

Fairies are not bigger than a butterfly but surely as useful as a bee. Common folk usually don't mind them as they attend to the flowers and nature.

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264 :2022FIFAカタールW杯開幕間近。3大会連続代表メンバーに選出。頼りになるDF、浦和レッズ所属の酒井宏樹。目の覚めるような高速クロス等、森保ジャパンをグイグイ牽引するプレーに期待します。よく走る午年(1990年)生まれということから、こんな図柄に落ち着きました。

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Finale of Inktober!
Hope you all had a fun adventure with Mitter and Mon.
We'll see each other again soon.

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Inktober 31 / Farm / 🎵Tea Vendor On the Street -

Today pairs the prompt Farm with the song 'Tea Vendor On the Street' by !

Thanks to everyone who supported us this month. Hope you stick around, because we have much more to come!

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Inktober Day 24.
Theme - Fairy

The wings of a beautiful fairy. 😉❤️🖤❤️

Love you (this is her back tattoo)

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Day 24 / FAIRY/妖精

沖縄のガジュマルの木には、キムジナーという木の精が宿っています。 私はまだ彼らに会ったことはなく想像してみました🙏

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