“It’s true, I swear, my Gran she hunts/Those with a taste for human blood/And when it comes to staking vamps/There’s simply no-one else as good” https://t.co/qQvmaYAD2N (Instagram)

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“Welcome, pretty stranger/To my cabin in the wood/You’ve come in search of a magic spell/That much is understood” https://t.co/qQvmaYAD2N strations (Instagram)

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“I’m the ghostly body snatcher/The one you’ve heard about/When they put the bodies in the earth/It was me who dug them out” https://t.co/qQvmaYAD2N (Instagram)

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“Come and join me by the fire/On this night as black as pitch/And I’ll tell you about the wondrous time/I played poker with a witch” https://t.co/qQvmaYAD2N (Instagram)

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In England and Scotland, once a corpse was laid out, a person would have to touch it to prevent dreaming of it or death...

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Day 6 of 31 days of Monstergirls (yeah, I’ve fallen behind)

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“I’m on a shortcut through the graveyard/Whistling under my breath/And praying to all the saints above/To save me from my death” https://t.co/qQvmaYAD2N (Instagram)

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October 9th: The Thing + R.J. MacReady (The Thing)

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✨ they say if you dream a thing more than once, it’s sure to come true ✨

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“The dark and tattered draperies...rustled uneasily about the decorations of the bed... An irrepressible tremor gradually pervaded my frame; and, at length, there sat upon my very heart an incubus of utterly causeless alarm.”

died 1849

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“After twilight’s darkening/And before the midnight black/The Devil’s Locomotive runs/And thunders down the track” https://t.co/qQvmaYj1Ed .cullen (Instagram)

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Day 5 of ‘31 Days of Halloween’: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.

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