In south Sweden, Askafroa is an evil and harmful female guardian living in the ash tree. Sacrifices to her were made on Ash Wednesday.

The ash tree is avoided when it's dark because horrible underground creatures live beneath its roots.

20 61

“The world has always been the same -
An endless farce, an antic game,
A universal masquerade!” (Goethe)

🎨 AbigailLarson

27 101

“Don't you know that a midnight hour comes when everyone has to take off his mask?" (Kierkegaard)

🎨 Eri Nakagawa

168 936

If one heard a pitiful “meow”
Something evil would happen soon.
Everybody knew he hunted men
But didn’t care for mice.

🖼️ Mia H ()
📜 "The Yule Cat" by Johannes ur Kotlum

36 114

Scrooge, having his key in the lock of the door, saw in the knocker, without its undergoing any intermediate process of change—not a knocker, but Marley’s face.

~Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

21 79


"The dead are never exactly seen by the living, but many people seem acutely aware of something changed around them. ..."

The Lovely Bones
Alice Sebold

21 104

“God! Whose hand was I holding?” (Shirley Jackson)

🎨 Ben Stahl

27 114

In some parts of Anatolia, it's believed that the newly dead walk for seven days. Day wander around the crowd at their own funeral, asking "Who died?" 💀

🎨Wladimir Petroff

11 40

"‘Adieu! Thou wilt yet regret me!’ She vanished in air as smoke, and I never saw her more." (Théophile Gautier)

🎨 Eugène Decisy (1904)

33 112

In the wake of the French Revolution the last Marquis of in Flanders was forced to flee, after which his castle burned down. The grounds became haunted by the white ladies, who danced among the castle ruins and its beech tree drive.

2 3

Victorians did demonic bat costumes with gusto🦇

20 96

"Ich fürcht' den Tag" (I fear daylight)

🎨 Hans Wechtlin (c 1500)

39 123

“From time to time strange cries as of lost and despairing wanderers sounded from across the mere. They might be the notes of owls or water-birds, yet they did not quite resemble either sound” (MR James)


31 104

In the Norman Bessin, sorcerers are known to transform people into black dogs and send them to the city of Bayeux as Rongeur d'Os, bone gnawers.

Seeing one means certain death.

🎨 Kastelkreuz

34 89

Anne Boleyn’s spectral carriage has been seen racing past Blickling Hall and each Christmas, Anne’s ghost manifests at Hever Castle, under an oak tree where she and Henry VIII once courted.

43 160

"And it is said, that since that time, the spirit of this unfortunate creature wanders on earth in every possible shape; particularly in that of lovely females, to render their lovers inconstant" (Schulze)

The Tale of the Death-Bride

26 99

In the 1800s Pennsylvanians tied red scarves onto mannequins to scare crows away from their crops. They named their new type of scarecrow, “Bogeyman.”
- Old Pennsylvania Folklore.

18 40

"... we shall mount on the altan on the roof of the house beside the weather-cock, who will sing us a merry bridal-song, because the owl to-night holds his wedding-feast" (Hoffmann)

🎨 Teagan White

34 124