Thanks for hosting this ms. Robot!
Dynamo here, I make random things in 2D and 3D.

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Hi I'm a 2D/3D artist based in Malta. Ive been studying 2D art for the past 6 years and last year I started learning about 3D.

I mostly draw female fantasy characters but i would like to lean more into illustration and environment design in both 2D/3D

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New Sale ✨

Deep Journeys bought by 0xa523d... for 0.21 WETH

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👀 its 2D that simulates 3D. kinda like Live2D but using Godot instead. However, you're correct about the pixel shader! i don't like subpixels so I locked all the pixels to the pixel grid. This is how it looks like without pixel snapping.

1 38

Congrats on reaching 2.6K and thanks for hosting this !
Dynamo here. I make random things in 2D and 3D.

2 5

I have been learning and teaching myself in

I did take a course on . which was IMMENSELY helpful.

Of course this came as a side interest due to using . and for running

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The lighting was difficult to mimmic in 3D. So I think I will do all the lighting as part of the texture and just paint it. A little attempt at this is the shadow under the cannon

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The next unfinished sculpt based on a cute concept by I really like her look and pose and tried to make it in 3d. Almost done but still needs improvement

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Early in the process but my grumpy Batsy is feeling good in 3D.

Modelling with on iPad

Like Procreate, it is a steal for the price and often updated with brilliant features.

I think it would be fun to try the knights, too.

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A new patch has been released for Project X: Insurrection!

The patch makes changes to map E6M8, allowing users to achieve 100% completion.

Project X: Insurrection took many years to make, with degrees of detail not often seen in Wolf3D.

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Como ta impossivel desenhar sem poder usar o polegar p apoiar a caneta digital, voltei a treinar 3D.
Tava testando como funciona acessorios d cabeça e apesar d ñ ser tao complicado ainda é meio dificil

por hora admirem o meu ovo

0 21

Thanks for the !
Dynamo here. I make random things in 2D and 3D.

0 1

Oi, eu sou o Viny, sou artista 2D e produzo muita coisa pra Games!😁

Faço arte conceitual, criação de texturas, sprites, animação, pintura digital e até brinco de modelador 3D. Esses são alguns dos meus trabalhos:

7 27

Hey, thanks for hosting this !
Dynamo here, I make random things in 2D and 3D.

(Hope you're feeling better btw)

0 2

Impaste gohun (胡粉) piece by piece to express 3D.

1 10

I like to sketch out my weapon concepts with a very simple flat brush before I fully flesh them out in Go check it out over on my page, . I'm working on a multiplayer FPS game!

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If Neon-Blade was a video game, it would be like a hack and slash game like Devil May Cry or like a First Person Shooter like Duke Nukem 3D.

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If Neon-Blade was a video game, it would be like a hack and slash game like Devil May Cry or like a First Person Shooter like Duke Nukem 3D.

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