Sé que no puedo hacerlo, pero te extraño, eres mi consuelo, una idea que alimenta mis letras, un hombro en el cual me apoyo

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He always hurts

As if we both shared stories
The sorrow that damn shadow carries
The heavy drag dragging the twilight
The redemption that is expected and never comes.
But still, although it hurts
There is still light, there is still life
There is still hope.

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Right from the start, you sound like The Velvet Underground; something like a white noise, nihilistic, hermeneutical, contradictory, incorrect, melancholic, visceral, almost punk, politically incorrect, but extremely attractive;#4bttd

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새벽에 맞는 저 달빛
여전히 그때와 같네
내 삶은 많은 게 변했지만 뭐
저 달빛은 여전히 그대로라고

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de todo lo que mis letras exaltan
tu rostro es siempre lo mas memorable
como si fuera el único camino que ellas conocieran
como si la suave curvatura de tu nariz al terminar sobre
tu labio superior fuera todo lo que necesito para sonreír

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“I live in my dreams — that's what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That's the difference.”

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I HAVE GRANTED YOU THE PRIVILEGE TO ENTER VALHALLA (pensé que había perdido la capacidad de dibujar) 🥰 pero aún me hace sonreír

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