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Oh neat this was a pretty fun first episode.
He's a goblin that evolves and gets powers by eating his prey.
It's not something entirely new, but it was a pretty fun first episode.
Created a goblin army lmao.

0 16

Mark Blutarsky, Tank Commander of an armored unit of the US army, 2nd Armored Division.
OC of

11 58

Royal Saxon Army 1870

379 1841

Fow Kingdom army, Vasch, Gridia, and Mardar, the brothers(2018)

Their tanks equips a pairs of Archimedean screw for better maneuverability on snow field in their territory.

209 1471

man I want to see Renault FTs from the Imperial Korean Army parading in front of the Gwanghwamun

16 110

I put a skinny boi next to the chunky army

438 2592

17th century Spanish army

26 145

Reject humanity! Join the Demon Lord's army!

72 566

대한제국군의 아침점호 준비
morning of the Imperial Korean Army

177 1133

Army cats(アーミーキャッツ)

8 32

General of Demon lord's army, imposter as captain of royal knights. (probably possess but skinsuit would also work I guess.)

15 200

1st Siwi Guards Regiment, Imperial Korean Army 1898-1907 🇰🇷

169 1050

JAPANじゃないARMYに怒られそうだけど、植物くわえるひと、この人とこの人しか知らないや👉🏻👈🏻 ドカベンの人???

0 94

On my trip, I found this guy.

So... fate fans, remember this guy? Is this guy right on the sec pic.

That's right, he was in Taiwan!!

To fight for Min dynasty, he landed on Taiwan, fought Dutch and captured their castle( this one), build his army, and died here...

17 145

room for NCOs of imperial Korean army

37 399

Bavarian Army

487 2410


580 2729

still can’t get over how we got super loaded girl risking her life to fight a war and actually willing to give away her money to everyone and everything…except the army

12 151