Only one extra this time. Showing the backgrounds of the first two panels. I was surprised to see the rest of the table was hidden by Shockwave when I pulled this apart today to find the backgrounds. (3/4)

6 22

To show you a little sample of how interlocked these were, here's a 'cleaned up' background... and one with traces of shadows from Sandstorm on them, which is how it was originally drawn. (6/6)

5 23

And the final part of the panel-by-panel version. Do you guys use these panel by panel versions? I like them so I'll probably keep doing them. (4/6)

6 21

For extras this time around here's some clean versions of the panels with some Cybertronian backgrounds. The colours are based on Secret of Omega Supreme's green Cybertron. (5/5)

1 22

Finally I've cut out the bits and pieces of the panels so that you can play with the parts any way you want! Assemble your own strips or wahtever. It's all open for use.

2 30

And this is the final part of the panel by panel version. Introducing Nacelle and featuring Megatron. Continue on to the fifth part of the thread to see the extras!(4/5)

2 22

Here's the first part of the panel-by-panel version. Featuring my boy, Acid Storm, and commander Shockwave. (2/5)

2 23

And when you add more detail you get more of these little intersections where details confuse other details. Like... is Twin Twist blowing a bubble here? Does Topspin have a horn on his forehead? Easy fixes. Just gotta notice. (3/3)

4 26

The bottom of this dome and the top of the gulley share a line, making it look like the gulley detail is a stalk underneath the dome, looking like a mushroom. This is a pretty easy thing to fix. It's noticing these things that are hard. (2/3)

2 21

This is the extras! some backgrounds from the panels, and a blank shockwave panel for you to play with. This comic is meant to be cut up and used however people like. Make sure to check for more stuff. 5/5

5 22

Part three (the final part) of the panel by panel version. But stick around and check out the extras at the end which show a detail shot of the background from the first panel - see how unfinished it is while still hiding a bunch of detail! 4/5

4 21