Latest done with ready to pour paints. Love the color selection they have! See more @

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For some reason, I want to try, the original image and opposite colors of it. なぜかやってみたくなる、原画とその諧調の反転です。#fluidart

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Pieces made by the same procedure. In fluid tech, various images can be obtained even if the procedure is fixed. 以下はほぼ同じ手順で制作。フルイドは仮に手順を固定しても採集できる図は多様。ちょっとガーデニングを思い出す。#fluidart

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Fluid art is, in my opinion, a form of visualization of the principle or actual appearance of genesis of phenomena/things. フルイドアートというのは、現象や事物の生成原理やそのありさまの可視化だと考えています。#fluidart

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Spine-like figure appeared in fluid technique. フルイドで脊椎のような形状が採れた。人体も流体として形成されるから構造が似ることは、ある。

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Mona Lisa with fluid tech. フルイドと錯視のモナリザ。#fluidart

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What do you see in this cloud pour?? Creation video here if interested:

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Mixed media collage. Background is white ink on a polymer board. This is also a kind of fluid art. ミクストメディアコラージュ。背景は塩ビに白墨、それをラッピングフィルムで動かしてる、これも一種のフルイド。#collage

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ARTIST spotlight: Fliss Osborne () creates amazing organic works with acrylic paint. Read her interview here -

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Hi Everyone!
It's been a long, cold winter here in Canada. I am welcoming Spring with some flowers. I used several techniques in this acrylic fluid pour.
Check out the video here:

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In each color within a work of art, lies the ability to touch the brain’s civilized center and provoke its most primitive cores.
Experimental colors can never leave you the same.

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I just made another beautiful acrylic pour painting I think this one looks like a colorful lake or a galaxy it also looks like a planet. What do you guys think it looks like?

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