Today's been mostly ugly cat demons, stigmata, levitating Italian priests, cutting edge hospitals, an Amityville vision and a bowl of yoghurt and granola. Cos that's podcasting.

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LA PENÚLTIMA FRONTERA: Mark Polonia vuelve a pasarse el "cine cutre" con "Amityville In Space", usando su propia casa y reciclando los trajes espaciales de "Planet Dune".

Noticia de :

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Beh, parliamo di Mark Polonia, l'uomo che ci ha regalato perle come "Sharkenstein", "Bigfoot Vs. Zombies" e che è pronto a portare Amityville dove non è mai arrivato prima 😁

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Pack your bags for a frightening intergalactic stay at Amityville. What will happen when the infamous murder house is exorcised from Earth & reappears into the unknown in AMITYVILLE IN SPACE.

Coming July 2022 from Director Mark Polonia

Official Trailer:

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What a load of nonsense 🤣

Although I'm surprised it took this long for the franchise to reach space, heck even the Fast & Furious managed to get to space before this did 😆

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Pete Davidson and the Amityville house are both going into space. What a time to be alive!

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Ha llegado. AMITYVILLE IN SPACE existe. Tras más de una docena de películas, la casa encantada más famosa de la tierra ha cruzado la última frontera, y hay tráiler:

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『悪魔の棲む家(The Amityville Horror)』から連綿と続く “家ホラー” 映画の最新作『アミティヴィル・イン・スペース』が凄い。「悪魔祓いにより呪いの家ごと遠い未来の外宇宙にぶっ飛ばされる」というどうかしてるとしか思えないストーリー。何か宇宙人が呪いの家にいるし。

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The fact someone actually pitched this shit as a sequel to The Amityville Horror.

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Good news, everyone! The trailer for is here!

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Producer: Hear me out. It's a new Amityville movie, but...


Producer:... it's IN SPAAAACE.


Me: Call it Zathura 2.

Coming in July.

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It's taken 40 years but The Amityville Horror has finally done it!

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The highest grossing movie from your birth year is how your 2022 will pay out.

Does this mean this Big One hits? At least it wasn’t Amityville Horror

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October 31: The Amityville Horror, 1979

“I'm coming apart! Oh, mother of God, I'm COMING APART!”

After all, what’s Halloween without a haunted house?

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