And here are the fine foley artists who provided the voices of the slime people.

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It looks like Madeline is rising from the water to wreak havoc on the world.

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"We seem to be approaching some kind of giant, marbled bowling ball."
"Uh, that's the earth."

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Thoughts when I see this logo:
1. Three Stooges
2. Ghostbusters
3. Coca-Cola

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The Frito Bandito wants his hat back.

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I use to shoot Super 8 films in the early 90s. This was your typical dystopian future game show where contestants would battle to the death competing to win cash and prizes.

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This is a classic of its kind. I'm just not saying what that kind is. And the majorette has moves.

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Fiend Without a Face (1958)🎬 Arthur Crabtree
⭐Marshall Thompson⭐Kim Parker


An underrated creature feature. Brain 🧠 monsters that suck brains!😱 Good guy hero, pretty female lead, abuse of atomic power ☢ All the goods! 📽

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Cannon Films commission. I AM now AVAILABLE for ANY & ALL COMMISSIONS! Large or small! Any subject in any style! $25 and up!

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I fancied doing something different, so, I've just attempted an picture of a classic movie, what do you think?

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Tonight 8 Pacific 11 Eastern

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