Today is the Memoria of St Martin of Tours. The famous story about him is that while a soldier in Amiens he gave half of his military cloak to a beggar and later had a dream in which the beggar revealed himself as Christ.


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Glorioso San Martino che, per la generosa carità che ti spinse a tagliare con la spada in due il tuo mantello per coprire un povero quasi nudo, meritasti di essere elogiato da Gesù: ottienimi la grazia di mettermi sempre a disposizione segue

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Festa di San Martino, ricorrenza caratterizzata da diverse usanze regionali. La tradizione racconta di come Martino, soldato dell'impero romano, durante una ronda notturna divise il suo mantello con un mercante seminudo.#sanmartino

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It's my original character Marco Martino the pizzaman

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Some JoJo art: a drawing of my OC Martino de Cappellacci and a chibi art of Mista :)

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소피아 배우님의 실키 할로윈 코스튬 아이디어🎃
Thank you
this idea is adorable🥲💚

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The artwork of DRAGONHAMMER new album "Second Life" is unveiled. It was created by Luca Martinotti/SoloMacello and it's absolutely EPIC!!!

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“My my Lady Sylvie. Who knew that under all that armor was actually a womanly figure. How delicious.”
The full comic on my Patreon. ;)

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REPOST from Frank Frazetta’s “DEATH DEALER interior artwork by Stefano Martino with colors by Luis Antonio Delgado - get exclusive variants at: &

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Today we’re also thinking of Italian producer Luciano Martino, who sadly passed away on this day in 2013. He was responsible for three of the video nasties within the cannibal cycle, including Prisoner of the Cannibal God, Eaten Alive, and Cannibal Ferox!

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A look inside “DEATH DEALER artwork by Stefano Martino, with colors by Luis Antonio Delgado. Issue is now available from comic retailers worldwide! See more of our collaboration with at:

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Premier réalisé par François Marius (1775-1849) à Rome : Intérieur de l’église San Martino, 1802. Via Roma prêt du
Atmosphère emplie de mystères et précurseur d’un certain attrait pour le Moyen Âge.

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(Eyelids-longing) Made this for the collab. I love eyelid kisses and we need to make them more popular darn it!

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