A medium light brown teapot along with a bunch of mooncakes, a teacup and a single soft yellow flower with a large dark orange and green outline of a kanji letter.

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Ruskea (i drew her in the airplane :D)

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A squirrel holding an umbrella filled with a bunch of falling leaves and small flowers along with a dark red kanji letter with white outline.

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A landscape full of tree branches with orange leaves, orange trees (sun) and a pair of scarecrows along with a single kanji letter.


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An orange goddess flying from the horizon along with lanterns and kanji letters on top of the sun in a centered position. 

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A bunch of white rabbits sitting on a pile of boxes along with kanji letters and text printed inside a double-sided border.

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A large dark red tree branch with a bunch of cherry blossoms, lanterns and shape of a soft yellow moon along with a pair of kanji letters. 

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