The Imp is into walks. I think I need a cape like this over my puffer!

Kate Greenaway illustration from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Yep. Been THAT week!
Looking forward to a good nap -- and a great AM shift at ! See you bright and (only a little) surly!

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I didn't REALLY fall asleep doing yard work...but it was a close thing. See you bright and early for the AM shift on !

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Just because we're running out of (In case you're wondering, she's winning!)

calendar from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Call it a "Choose Your Own Adventure" Sharp-Dressed Saturday Night!

fashion plate from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Trust Kate Greenaway to make yard work look pretty...
She can rake for me next time!

print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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May we all feel THIS fabulous to start the weekend!

costume sketch from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Hot nights are bad now...imagine what it was like before AC and indoor plumbing!

print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Maybe July at the North Pole this year...

poster from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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That moment you realize that Camp Week means trading hours of laundry for hours of writing time...

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Just about ready to jump into the weekend!

Kate Greenaway print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Something pretty and fun from today's prowl through the archives!

sheet music from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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Why yes, yard work IS a good way to get tired enough to sleep early for a bonus morning drive shift! See you bright and early on !

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One of my favorite reading pics...because I'm probably not going to get a today!

print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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May it really be a bowl of cherries!

Kate Greenaway print from the NYPL Digital Collections.

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