Javascripting our relatives.

“DNA ties us all together; we share ancestry with barracuda and bacteria and mushrooms, if you go far enough back.”
- Spencer Wells

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"¿Así que retrocedieron en el tiempo y me secuestraron porque creen que mis garras y yo podemos derrotar a un ejército de monstruos bacterianos indestructibles? ¡Qué suerte la mía!…"

📕 Lobezno: ¡Snikt!, de Tsutomu Nihei

🔗 📚

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This Pissfish is made accidentally and became a fan favorite.
Another fun fact is Goldsharks give a lot of nasty diseases for the simple reason of being covered in bacteria filled piss.

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I am really small, barely visible unless you look close!! I'm talking bacteria, microscopic, maybe even virus level small but I'm Ascending!

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News alert: Some bacteria have histones y'all. Shawn Laursen from shows how they bind DNA in VERY unexpected way, defying common 'histone logic'. Check out our preprint with and Socket lab Very exciting!

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If you're interested in crazy concept art of invisible things made using a combination of digital and traditional techniques, I might be able to help! I have a microbiology background but what are bacteriophage if not nano machines that attack bacteria?

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im a bit of a drawler yeah yeah
my 2023 resolution is to become more involved with the jerma community and by the end of the year morph into one whole giant bacteria 💘

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A Kaito version of Bacterial Contamination I started forever ago and never finished, but figured I’d share as is since I still like it

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im ready to be looked over like a postulant bacteria being overloaded with sweet juices by a doctor with too many degrees

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Project Animalia 569
Halloween hermit crab (Ciliopagurus strigaus)

A crab with moxy, a dashing name, stripy legs, and a taste for green algae and cyanobacteria.

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New for the Yugambeh Region

Banebat (final Evolution of Yugambian Golbat): Bug/Rock

The bacteria and rock in it's body into a crystal like embodiment of sickness. No longer worn our and weighed but Illness, Banebat process dangerously viral abilities.

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New for the Yugambeh Region

Yugambian Golbat: Bug/Rock

The rocks on it's head have grown, containing the dangerous bacteria. But it's body is weighed down and it struggles to fly.

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New for the Yugambeh region

Yugambian Zubat: Bug/Rock

These Zubat dwell in caves and were isolated for so long. They're riddled with bacteria and diseases and recommended to keep your distance from them.

Even highly skilled trainers are cautious.

1 3

First up in

Unlocking a sequencing democracy! Making large scale sequencing of bacterial and the data analysis affordable for all!
Work by et al. in the Lab, art by me.

3 3

Os imagináis a una asi? Este es Streptos, uno de los personajes de Un viaje prodigioso, la primera parte de una saga que mezcla realidad y ambientada en el interior del cuerpo humano.
Impresionante trabajo de
El link

4 5

Tiene una relación simbiótica con una bacteria venenosa presente en su pelaje, sus uñas quedan embebidas en esta bacteria. sus patas traseras no tienen pelaje de tanto rascárselo.

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Somebody once employed me to paint oil films on rust bacteria in ditches if you’re wondering how specific I’ll go

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Pigeon experiment new drop listed
(BACTERIA) FP : 0.006
(GALAXY) FP : 0.006
(WAFFLE) FP : 0.006

8 17

GM! 👋
Bacteria can merge with Blobsters to become a Super-Blobster! 🤗👍
Show me One Blobster + One Bacteria and I will create for you the Super Blobster!!
Congrats to


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