First up in

Unlocking a sequencing democracy! Making large scale sequencing of bacterial and the data analysis affordable for all!
Work by et al. in the Lab, art by me.

3 3

So, there you have it.
Effortless? No. A bit nuts? Yes. Fun? YES! Worth it? Absolutely.

My processes are not usually so arcane, but I'm always up for a creative challenge.

If you made it this far, you may be as dotty as me. Have a biscuit, you deserve it.

2 19

Hiii~ LGT[B]+ hereeee. I´m biology student and love make sciart: entomology and marine animals are my favs *^* I hope you enjoy it :3


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Sometimes I do art 😍 Umbonia crassicornis, Cotinis mutabilis, Cactophagus fahrei, Pachylis nervosus (immature)

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Of course, just in case you were wondering, and I know you were, I DO have a gallery of in

4 14

Finished Bone Trail drawn in the prev Subscribe on youtube for upcoming vids on this

9 22

Sarah Ann Drake is a favorite, ! I discovered her in my research in . More of her

9 21

Here are 2 different moth on Goldenrod stems.
ID more stem gallers w/ this

2 7

Gouache painting, Northern Copperhead, Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen.

4 7

Weekend my tribute to a cool little amphibian known as the Siren (Sirenidae)

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