Black Comic Girl of the Day: Tawny Young (DC Comics) a California reporter who grew close to Green Lantern John Stewart; later appeared on the Harley Quinn show (First Appearance: Green Lantern vol 2 176)

33 150

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Danielle Foccart/Computo (DC Comics) an Ivorian technopath and member of the Legion of Superheroes who gained her abilities from Brainiac 5 (First Appearance: Legion of Superheroes vol 2 1)

45 160

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl (DC Comics) the Wonder Girl of Earth 1 and foster sister of Wally West and Kole (First Appearance: Teen Titans Earth one 2)

26 95

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Anwen Bakian/Nova (Marvel) the Nova of Earth 94241 who creates the death stone to defeat Thanos (First Appearance: Infinity Gauntlet vol 2 1)

36 131

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Kymera (Marvel) alternate universe daughter of Storm from Earth 13729 who can control animals (First Appearance: Wolverine and the X-men 36)

29 99

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Mattie Harcourt (DC Comics) a hospital intern and best friend of Supergirl/Linda Danvers

14 73

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Ayla Ranzz/Lightning Lass (DC Comics) an alien from the planet Winath who can manipulate electricity alongside her twin brother Lightning Lad (First Appearance: Legion of Superheroes 2019)

18 81

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Rūna/Valkyrie (Marvel) One of the original legendary Valkyries. Based on Tessa Thompson's MCU performance (First Appearance: King in Black: Return of the Valkyries 1)

32 92

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Gwen Altamont (DC Comics) Catwoman's old friend who works as her personal Fence; a middleman between thieves and buyers of stolen goods.(First Appearance: Catwoman 4)

21 88

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Frankie Charles/Operator (DC Comics) A coder with Muscular Dystrophy and best friend of Barbara Gordon. Operates as an oracle-esque assistant. (First Appearance: Batgirl vol 4 35)

23 99

Black Comic Girl of the Day: Carmen Cruz/Gimmick (Marvel) an Afro-boricua who used alien technology to mimick the powers of Gambit, but later found she was a true mutant (First Appearance: Children of the Atom 1)

72 314