Finding Druck, Bilderbuch, Annenmaykantereit, Juju, & Nura while learning Deutsch were indeed a blessing. Now I've found Angèle along with skamfr for French. Double blessing luvs

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Mythological and legendary creatures from Friedrich Justin Bertuch’s BILDERBUCH FÜR KINDER (Picture Book for Children). 1806.

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We don't do cute, we mostly only have terrifying kangaroos over here

There is a genuinely cute kangaroo in the Bilderbuch fur Kinder, but we don't have a copy unfortunately. Perhaps the can help us out?

do you have any cute kanga taxidermies?

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Someone told me about the term 'Wimmelbilderbuch' today and it's definitely something I like the idea of so I started drawing something along those lines. This is a section of a 1920x1080 illustration that I will poke at for a few weeks/months.

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Mythological and legendary creatures from Friedrich Justin Bertuch’s BILDERBUCH FÜR KINDER (Picture Book for Children). 1806.

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Das »Passt nicht« von Mieke Scheier für Kinder und Erwachsene lädt zum genauen Hinschauen ein. Es ist erschienen beim Kunstanstifter Verlag Mannheim >>> <<<

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Wir sind mit "Hael und die Spiegeltore" auf der LBM und geben Signierstunden. Kommt vorbei! ^^

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ドイツ・ワイマール出身の出版業者フリードリッヒ・ジャスティン・ベルトゥーフとカール・ベルトゥーフが1790年から1830年まで刊行した『子どものための絵本』(原題:Bilderbuch für Kinder)。現在ハイデルベルク大学図書館で、デジタルライブラリー化され公開中。

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Legendary and Mythical Creatures (Fabelwesen) from “Bilderbuch für Kinder” by Friedrich Justin Bertuch

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