Making it clear where I stand on this. Link here to find places to donate.
Or find any of the posts out there today to find bail funds, support groups and networks to contribute to.
I've donated, and plan to do so more.
Do your part.

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奇しくもプライドマンスの始め、黒一色のSNS。Strangely this is also the pride month, the many variety of rainbow colors are not for only gender problem, for all of our problem.

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“Niobe: She is Life” was the first ever nationally distributed comic with a black female author, artist, and hero.

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These three delightful books by three delightful black authors are out in the world today! What better way to celebrate than with a giveaway?

Retweet to enter! I'll pick one winner for each book tomorrow evening, and I'll buy from your local indie. ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏿

678 741

te hace menos persona
Tu color de piel✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
Tu orientación sexual🏳️‍🌈
Tu género🚺🚹
Tu origen 🌍
Tu edad👦👨👴👧👩👩‍🦳
Si entendiste esto, entendiste todo.
¡Todos somos iguales, todos somos personas!

11 58

Clairement pas un dessin de ouf mais on s’en fou royalement c’est pas le but. a eu la super idée de publier une photo pour manifester sur les réseaux. J’ai choisie de dessiner mais le geste est la. Courage !

3 11

Te matan por ser negro
Te matan por creer en otro Dios
Te matan por ser gay
Te matan por pensar diferente

Jamás pensé que en pleno siglo 21 volvería a repetirse la historia, el mundo está vuelto mierda, ya basta

387 1384

„Ausschreitungen nach Tod von
Amerikas Wut und das Versagen von Donald Trump“

10 22


You can read my full statement here if you wish:

Illustration by

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Asamin is participating in # BlackOutTuesday too 😳😳😳

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No one chooses which skin color they are born with. For example a pale skin and a small loan of a million dollars could be the difference between living in a mansion and laying on the concrete choking.

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