
Pieter Brueghel II
‘The Tax-collector's Office’ (1615)
106.5 x 74.5 cm

Tommaso di ser Giovanni di Simone Cassai (Masaccio)
‘Rendering of the Tribute Money’ (1426)
Fresco, Brancacci Chapel, Florence

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Concediti un attimo di tranquillità e comprenderai quanto tutto il tuo agitarti sia inutile. Impara a rimanere in
silenzio e ti accorgerai di aver parlato troppo.
carissimo Erminio e tutti.
C Brancaccio

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Fear can also be beneficial- IF it grants us awareness.
Hoping for calm + reason to guide our collective decisions…

Filippino Lippi – Self-Portrait, and selected details from the Incomparable Frescoes at Brancacci Chapel, Florence

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16 48

Work: The Tribute Money
Artist: born Tommaso di Ser Giovanni di Simone
Year: the 1420s
Type: a religious fresco
Location: the Brancacci Chapel in Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence, Italy

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The Kiosk, Paris (1899), by Carlo Brancaccio

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Sette Sale (Villa Brancaccio, Rome), William Stanley Haseltine, (Palette: 🇫🇷) 🖌🎨

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Carlo Brancaccio (March 6, 1861-1920) was an Italian painter

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Carlo Brancaccio The Kiosk Paris 1899

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El tributo. Masaccio. 1425. Capilla Brancacci

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Masaccio's "The Tribute Money" (1425) @ the Brancacci Chapel

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