N for Narrative.

The narrative of Morri-Arty is told on Ko-fi https://t.co/OMu6I6xtWv.
It began as a few paintings posted here and holds animal welfare and compassion at its core.💚

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Morning all it’s Day 14 of April Alphabet Challenge! N must be for Nasturtiums one of my favourite flowers. I love how they ramble all over! find out more about my art at https://t.co/McFO8JoJTl

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Alphabet Challenge day 11

K is for Kitty Cat! 🐱 Had to be!

I love painting cats and I'm open to commissions.

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Day 9 . I for .

I'm an artist trying to raise awareness for animal welfare, endangered species and unethical backyard breeding.
I saw firsthand the damage caused by unethical breeding in my rescue Chihuahua, Marley.

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Day 8 H for Hares.
I love hares. I've painted quite a few😅. All of these except Eric, pic 4, will be available as prints!
Hares feature strongly in folklore, symbolic of rebirth, fertility and magick.
Eric, pic4, is still missing 🤔.

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F is for FREE UK Postage!

All of these items have FREE UK Postage!
(we also offer global shipping for a small price)

- Cotton Fabric
- Cotton Facemasks
- T-shirts for kids & adults


8 9

Day 6 F for Felines & Familiars.

"I am the cat who walks alone."

Mysterious, magical, comfort. A few words for our feline companions. Worshipped as gods (they remember), feared as witches familiars.
Thank you for your kindness and friendship.😺

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The only thing I could think of that had the letter F for was Fish Fingers! 🤣

Here’s in the cafe scene!

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D is for designs - I have lots of exclusive seamless pattern designs
D is for most of them are from Michelle 🥰🥰 see below
D is for dresses, dungarees, dog coats just some of the d items I make ❤

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Here’s my A for My selection of which are going to be published into a book! Only another 20 to draw! Woop! All proceeds to 2 charities.

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It's day 4 of

D is for Darren the creator and host of the incredibly supportive and successful a directory of small businesses and services across several SM platforms

A lot of us think Darren's a hero, I certainly do. Search or join for great products

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C is for CLAIRE the founding member of KNITCLAIRE - a play on the words KNIT WEAR!
I make lots of hand knitted items so please do have a browse in my Etsy shop! I am very shy!! SO here is a projection of how I think I look

33 33

C - Coming soon, we've got lots of new bits lined up first up our the whipped launching very soon, then the new dice and sets, then keyrings and and then body

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Day 3 . C for Chihuahua.
Until I adopted Marley, I didn't know Chis. They are loyal, loving, comical, fearless... They are not handbag dogs, breeding machines, disposable.
I had the joy to paint these characters; Marls, PeePee & Bess.

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Day 2 . B for birds.
As a child (and even now) I had a bit of a problem with birds, pigeons to be exact, despite growing up with a feisty parrot. But I've painted Robins, ravens, the lesser known Twiglet of Loch Ness... I love them now.

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Remember to check out and see the wonderful products, gifts and services offered by some wonderful
And if you fancy checking mine out, I'd greatly appreciate it!

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